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02/27/21 11:22 AM #1    


Harry Fitch

Although Jim Cocanour lived in Newark only seven or eight years, his death last December ignited a wave of nostalgia from our collective (for most of us, at least) youth growing up there. We were born as America celebrated the euphoria of victory over tyranny in World War II and, for the most part, we enjoyed the benefits of the postwar boom. Much of what I will share comes, of course, from my own youth in the East End and the Lincoln school district. And from my being male. But I think most of you will relate to many of these remembrances from your own experiences. I wanted us to share our childhood there, not just our high school years as time erodes our memories and takes us from each other.

            Newark was big enough to be considered a small city, but small enough to have the feel of a town. Nearly everyone lived in a part of the city from which they could easily go downtown by bus or walking and, for our age, once we were older by bicycle. The vibrancy of Newark was centered around the square and the imposing Licking County courthouse. Downtown meant many things for kids our age from 1945-1963. There were four theaters (some of you do remember the Grand, don’t you?) where we could see movies at kids’ prices until we were twelve. But some of us had to prove (on our mothers’ good names?) that we were still 11 (or even younger) if we were “too tall” for our age. And then there was the Arcade, where for some reason the projectionist would often start the first film of a double feature somewhere in the middle. Never did figure that one out.

            Downtown also had Isaly’s dairy and their skyscraper shaped ice cream cones. There were local and regional stores, like Moore’s and King’s, that had special magic to them, especially at Christmas time when they would stock more toys or host a visit from Santa. I recall one time when Rudolph was supposed to accompany Santa but when we kids gathered (I think at King’s), Old Whitebeard said Rudolph had misbehaved and he had left the errant reindeer on the roof. Who could trust Santa after that? And there was the magic of going to Penney’s and perhaps other stores that sold shoes and looking at the bones of your feet through the x-ray machines they had then. And how many of us went to McMichael’s or Martin’s music stores and listened to records in booths before we bought them? The proprietors trusted us. And if we rode our bikes to those stores, we parked them outside and they were still there when we finished.

            Many of us lived in Newark in 1952 when the city celebrated its sesquicentennial. Parades were held downtown every day for perhaps a week. And how many of us went to the Chevrolet dealership one of those celebratory days and, as seven-year-olds, stared in wonder at the giant Budweiser Clydesdales that were boarded there for at least one of the parades? And remember, adult males had to grow some variation of facial hair or be arrested. My dad grew a mustache. Unfortunately, no pictures (if there were any) survive. I don’t know what, if anything the women had to do, maybe wear a bonnet.

            Probably most of us lived within easy walking distance of a grocery store. We lived near the top of Dewey Avenue and had two practically in our backyard on Oakwood Avenue, Nichol’s and Miller’s. And down Oakwood at about its middle was Cannizaro’s, situated in their home’s front porch. I’m sure many of us had one like Nichol’s where the pop was stored in a cool water filled tank. Half the thrill often would be reaching into that tank and searching for a special or rare flavor, such as Vernor’s Cola Beer or a Spring Hill Strawberry pop (did any of us dare call it soda?)

            Most of us undoubtedly had neighbors and/or relatives or even our own yards where we could gather freely apples and cherries, grapes, rhubarb and other garden delights because the adults didn’t mind.  We even had some neighbors who still had working water wells in their yards. One in particular, a bachelor who had New York Yankees mementoes freely open to visit in his garage, allowed us boys to drink from his well whenever we wished. We played in the streets (Mother May I, Hide and Seek, tag football), even softball perhaps. On Dewey we finally had to stop that when a hit ball broke a neighbor’s front window. We moved our games then to vacant lots or larger fields, such as Carson’s Field, as we grew older. Most of us probably had a neighborhood porch where the kids would meet whenever they would get together for play. Ours was the gathering place, primarily because it was central to those scattered about our end of Dewey. And many of us would have the forerunners of block parties, groups of neighbors getting together with the adults visiting while the kids played. Maybe some were lucky, like we sometimes were, when the grownups pitched in to make homemade ice cream.

            Somewhere within easy walking distance or only a short ride were root beer stands such as Hootie’s and Stewart’s. Then came the Dairy Queens and Dairy Isles with cones for a nickel. And there were neighborhood pizza shops like Rosato’s.

            We rode our bicycles so many places, but in our case, usually all over the East End. As we got older, some of us would ride ours out Route 79 “all the way” to Wilkins Corners, quite a distance at that time.

            Many of our fathers, uncles, and neighbors worked in factories and other commercial endeavors that had sports teams for them. So I’m sure many of us would go to the likes of  Everett Field or Fiberglas Field in the summer to watch them play softball before we would go to the swings, jungle gyms, and other “child” sites. And some of us surely went to watch them play in men’s league basketball at the Fifth Street Gym or our local junior high gym, sites that a number of us young boys would “inhabit” as athletes once we hit junior high and beyond, such as in Church League.

            And then there were such annual, or nearly so, events like when the circus came to town. King Brothers, Clyde Beatty, Cole Brothers. Living in the East End and attending Lincoln made the circus a special treat because it came to Carson Field. So, many of us found ourselves roaming the grounds the morning of the circus’ pitching before we would have to make the short trek to the Lincoln classrooms. We’d see elephants staked to the ground being fed hay by workers. We’d see different parts of the Midway and of course the big top being erected. And one year one of us had an “interesting encounter.” Some of us who were there heard a ruckus and turned just in time to see a Lincolnite (I believe it was Bill Linehan) dodging a stream of piss from a male lion. I don’t know if any of it hit him or if he had done anything to antagonize the beast, but he kept his distance from the animal after that.

            Other events that I’m sure many of us attended were the parades, such as the ones for Labor Day, where it seemed like skilled workers had something to hand out, like yardsticks, to spectators. The Memorial Day parade was another major one. I can still picture World War I veteran Major Montgomery sitting erect atop his horse, leading the procession up Cedar Street to the cemetery, boys on bicycles bringing up the rear, baseball cards clipped to their rear wheels with clothespins so that they would make a child’s bike sound a little somewhat like a motorcycle. And there was always the annual ice cream social at the Children’s Home on East Main Street.

            I’m sure many of the other schools had Fall Festivals like Lincoln, where kids could win prizes at various activities. And I’m sure most elementaries, if not all, had Halloween parades around their campus. Of course, at Lincoln, once we became junior high schoolers, the Halloween activities became “baby stuff.”

            Of course, being in Lincoln’s neighborhood, I was able to attend it for nine years. So there was no big transition into junior high. “We’re big shots now. We’re in junior high school.”  So those of us who just moved up there had no trepidations of such a major move. But what about those who came from one of the nearby elementaries, like Conrad and Hazelwood? Did they have worries? I don’t recall any showing such fears when we met some of them that first morning outside the school and in the days after. We were merely making new friends, like Bill Wright and Jerry Juniper and Pat Wolverton. Or seeing more of occasional friends like Denny Cluggish.

            That covers a lot. I’m sure there’s more I could add, which I may do later. And of course, if any classmates can think of something more to bring up about those times, especially 1945-60, before we gathered at the old high school on West Main, I’d love for you to share them.

06/09/23 03:12 PM #2    


Harry Fitch

I am pleased to announce that my latest novel is now available in ebook and paperback worldwide.

Besides what is said above, here's a little more to whet your curiosity.

There are some fictionalized references to Newark during our school years there.

It covers disciplinary actions from school paddlings to dishonorable discharges.

It covers pop icons from Gabby Hayes to Simon & Garfunkel, Elvis Presley to Eldridge Cleaver.

Major events from Brown vs. Board of Education to My Lai and beyond are involved.

It lives in the era of free (yet not so free) love . . . and with plenty of caveats.

After all, it was the Sixties (for the most part).

For those of you who will add it to your bookshelves, thanks. And I hope you find it at best somewhat nostalgic.


06/10/23 07:49 AM #3    

Jesse Elliott

Congratulations Harry.  I bought it this morning and I'm looking forward to a great read.

06/10/23 11:39 AM #4    

Pam Miller (Rose)

Harry Fitch!  I didn't know you were a famous author!

06/11/23 08:38 AM #5    


Ralph Howard, Jr.

Harry congratulations sir. This brings back great memories of the good old days. Wish I could go back to these great years of growing up. Surely cannot leave your bike anymore it wil be gone in a heart beat. Times have surely changed. Hope to see you soon my friend. Ralph Howrd Jr.

06/12/23 10:44 AM #6    

Paul Hill

Harry..thank you for a little insight of your book. As a "nerk jerk" who started his journey growing up in the south end, (192 South Second St), then moving to the east side (796 East Main St.) in the 5th grade at Hartzler, feeling we were going to the other end of the earth, and not going to see my south end friends again. I realized that I got the best of Newark. I have to laugh at some of the things you bring to life during the trip down memory lane. To this day, and as over the years, my attempt to recreate the famous Hooties Pizza Berger. Just want to say thank you for putting me back in a place where good times seem to come easy. We were the lucky ones. Stay safe and God bless.

06/24/23 02:19 PM #7    

Alberta Sprague (Duncan)

Just want to say how much I enjoyed the chance to attend the recent reunion. It was so very nice to lay eyes on old friends and have another bit of time together. I also want to say how grateful I am to those who made it all happen. Carol, Dan, Judy, and others who took the time and effort for this. Thank you. Thank you. 
newark was looking particularly nice too. All good.  

06/24/23 03:18 PM #8    

Alberta Sprague (Duncan)

Just want to say how much I enjoyed the chance to attend the recent reunion. It was so very nice to lay eyes on old friends and have another bit of time together. I also want to say how grateful I am to those who made it all happen. Carol, Dan, Judy, and others who took the time and effort for this. Thank you. Thank you. 
newark was looking particularly nice too. All good.  Alberta Sprague Duncan

07/18/23 11:45 AM #9    

Barbara Franck (Franck)

Jane, Have a Very Happy Birthday!

Barbi Franck

11/27/24 01:55 PM #10    

Alberta Sprague (Duncan)

This is for Danny Garten...  I wish I knew you better and that we had been closer during our school years.  What I want to say is that at this Thanksgivint Holiday 22024, you are one of the ones I am grateful for.  Your work over the years on this web page has been a fantastic to me  in keeping me connected to Newark classmates..    I can surely understand your decision to step back from this effort, so before I lose the chance to thank you... I am sending this thank you now.  I hope you recognize how many of us that you helpd stay glued together with our past friends in Newark.   Best to you always,    With much love,  Berta Sprague Duncan




11/28/24 09:52 AM #11    


Harry Fitch

I have passed on my regards, thanks, and wishes to Dan. But I want to add more here for all of us.

Thanks to Dan building and maintaining this website, some things have occurred that never would have happened for me. And I am a more complete person because of it. Some examples:

1. Alberta Sprague--We never had any classes together. I didn't even know that she was an Ohio Power child like I was. But thanks to this website, we found out a few years ago that we now have many other things in common. If we would have known each other at NHS and had that common ground like we do now, I would undoubtedly considered her my "sister" like I did Billie Fisher and Mandy Mitchell. (Sorry, Diane Fiecoat, but our battles at our lockers prevent you from holding that status laugh).

2. Judy Franklin--She sat behind me in Miss Steele's Senior English but I largely ignored her. I was too busy singing an insipid takeoff of Monster Mash with Jim Fekete. Now we true friends, sharing stories not only of NHS but also my aunt and cousin whom she worked with at Park National Bank.

3. Denny Cluggish--we had known each other since before elementary school, and were only somewhat close. A few years ago, out of the blue, thanks to this site, he called me and we reminisced and caught up. Sadly, I have recently tried to get in touch with him but nothing has sent it through. Like John McCollum, he just seems to have disappeared. At our age, that is not a good sign.

4. Dick Bartlett--the only class I remember was gym and a wrestling match i'd just as soon forget.laugh But thanks to this site, I learned that he worked with my cousin Terry Antritt at the air force base and we shared a few stories at the 50th reunion.

I could bring up more, but that's enough for now. Again, deepest thanks to Dan for making it so simple for the Class of 1963 to stay connected.

     Harry Fitch (Loyal now thy children stand)

12/03/24 11:46 AM #12    


John Cooper

Thanks to Dan Gartner for all your work over the years to keep us informed & connected.  You've done a great job!  Now take care of yourself.

John Cooper

12/04/24 12:22 PM #13    

Paul Hill

Dan...thank you for keeping the class to gether this way. I may not have been active with it, but enjoyed checking in and reading about everyone. Take care of yourself brother. Paul Hill

12/05/24 04:31 PM #14    


Karen Householder


Dear Danny,

I still want to call you Danny since it's how I knew you at Hartzler Elementary then on to Ben Franklin.

You were an adorable sandy-haired boy who laughed a lot and had many friends. I can still see you in my eyes as you were then.

Many thanks to you for the years devoted to our class, giving us the ability to reconnect with each other. Such a wonderful gift to us all.

Reaching out to you today with warm thoughts and good memories.

Karen Householder

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